You’ve all done very well. That very Mr Grace type comment is in our club a statement of fact. February has seen our club produce some really great Rotary moments for me, that reflect well on our membership. Here are some dot points:
Rotary Zone 1 Meeting 13 Feb 24 – our club has both the most broad and active programmes.
Melville Markets Circa 1973
We are financially strong, and our market revenue has allowed us to sponsor or fund such a diverse range of activities, even if they are decided on the floor of a meeting. It shows we care and want to do good.
Our Board’s Teams meeting with Broome Circle was insightful and there is plenty of opportunity for us to do good and bring hope in Broome and in the process laying a sound foundation for ROMADS, where Rotary will regain a presence in Broome albeit through the medium of a satellite organisation hosted by Melville Rotary.
The speaker programme is great and it’s encouraging to see a lot of members attending. It makes it easier to get visitors to become members; particularly on 26 Feb 24.
Our Rotary birthday bash on 23 Feb 24 saw about 40 all up come together at Tompkins Park for an informal drink, meal and chat – with other club members. See above picture.
Watering is going well. Shame the heat killed a lot of our plantation but don’t let difficulties deter, please support the watering programme
In terms of current and future events
Melville has been allocated to Rotary Group 1 as part of the regionalisation pilot. The initial meeting is 10 Mar 24. Marilyn and I need your feedback on some exam questions that D9423 sent out.
25 Mar 24 is the big Santa Maria College presentation with a host of VIP’s. So please turn up and we’ll make lunch available for $15.
13 Apr 24 is the RWA Showcase. – We’ve some stories to tell. Now all we need do is figure out how to tell them on the day. That’s another story.
Janice tells me she’s got enough material for this bulletin. So I ought not bang.
Thanks for doing good and bringing hope. You are all exemplars of Service Above Hope.
Yours in Rotary
Cheerio and go kindly,
2024 Rotary Art Show
Save the Date
Monday June 10th to Sunday June 16th