Can you believe that the Rotary wheel has turned over so quickly and we’ve arrived at our annual changeover? Twelve months of bringing hope has flown by and we now welcome some Rotary Magic led by incoming President Marilyn Barton. As I get turned into a feather duster by the Magic of Rotary, it is time for some valedictory comments in this bulletin.
Twelve months ago, I spoke about a revolution with a silent R and that we are Rotarians because we want to do good in our communities regardless of whether the context is locally, nationally or internationally. A plan based on survey of your membership need was developed – and you were kind enough to enact the actions in that plan. In preparing the Annual Report, I asked myself, did the data and information presented that plan and reflected in our Board Reports suggest achievements and broad success? I used three major themes for this exercise:
- Did we enhance our membership experience and knowledge of Rotary?
- Did we do good in our communities; locally, nationally, and internationally?
- Was our impact in those communities enhanced?
The calibre of your club leaders who comprised the board and our members, regardless of their contribution, ensured that we had that broad success across all three themes. When you read the annual report (that because of my incompetence resulting a file size that exceeds the Clubrunner limit) that will be only available on the Melville Rotary website, I’m sure you’ll agree that this assessment is so.
With our club’s momentum and tempo, right up to the ultimate week leading up to changeover, events were happening that enhanced our reputation within the community as well as our knowledge of Rotary. These events were:
- The 2024 National Youth Science Forum attendee, Maia Ravenscroft, addressed our 24 June 24 Club meeting and expertly conveyed her experience to the meeting – something previously of which members were unaware.
- My attendance on 12 June 24 to the Santa Maria College students presenting their research on our tree-planting to Sam Lim MHR. Again, Sam and the Principal were exposed to the power of Rotary to do good.
- Melville Rotary’s attendance at a Melville Cockburn Chamber of Commerce & Industry event at the City of Melville on 26 June 24. The gang of Five, in various ways, made some useful connections, that set us up well for 2024 – 2025. Most pleasing was a comment by a non-Rotary attendee to the effect of; “You guys are everywhere!”
There will be some Magic next Rotary year as the Regionalisation Project commences and we must be prepared to rise to and conquer those challenges. Our 2023 – 2024 evolution positions us well.
To conclude, I must thank our Brains Trust (aka the board) for their leadership and collegiality. You’ve accomplished a great deal , led the revolution with a silent R, enhanced membership experience and set the Club up for future success. A big thanks also goes to you the members who’ve done so much good, increased our impact and hopefully, your own member experience. Our biggest supporters - our partners and families must also be thanked for without that, we cannot be Rotarians. At least this slow learner now understands why Margarita is the Queen of my Heart. Thank-you Melville Rotary for giving me permission and the licence to be President during this Rotary year. It has been, indeed, my privilege.
Keep doing good, bringing hope and enjoy next year’s Magic.
Phillip Draber
Rotary International Convention
Singapore June 2024
One of the main highlights of the Rotary year would have to be the International Convention. This year it was held in Singapore, and was attended by 76West Australian Rotarians and their partners. Our District had the highest number of attendees from our Zone (Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Islands).
The Convention was another great international Rotary event, with about 14,000 people from approximately 110 different nations. There was a wide range of inspirational speakers, where we saw the work of Rotary, first hand, from around the globe. These events are testament to the internationality of Rotary and celebrate the huge impact we make in the lives of others all over the globe.
We were also given some excellent messages for the R.I President, Gordon McNally, the R.I president Elect, Sephanie Urcheck and even a message from Bill Gates about the work of Rotary in Ending Polio and his continued support.
The next International Convention is in Calgary, Canada, in June 2025, a lot further away for West Australians to visit, but a very interesting place, to all accounts.
Marilyn Barton