Here we are at the end of October, wondering where 2023 has disappeared to. The explanation is simple – our personal and club tempos – we’re surprisingly busy and active people who keep doing a lot of good serving our various communities.
For our members who have travelled welcome back and to those about to travel – safe travels. On that note, I’d like to wish Ian and Lorraine all the best as they do an imitation of the Watertons in what appears to be the caravan equivalent of the Taj Mahal. We’ll miss Ian’s energy and passion – particularly in relation to making sure we water the plants that the club planted in June at Point Walter. Keep a look out for a roster for watering duties over the warmer months.
To those club members who’ve recently suffered bereavements, my sympathies and thoughts go out to you and your families.
So where are we going and how are we travelling as a club?
Two new members, Dale Cole and Trevor Ridgewell have seen the club grow. Welcome to both of you and I’ve already seen you embracing the club spirit of being engaged and contributing to the Club doing good in our communities; locally, nationally, and internationally. In terms of the Club Plan, we’re making solid progress. Our meetings, outings and social events have been enjoyed by the members. We have plans to consider looking at a satellite club to that we can harness folk who support what we do but perhaps don’t want the full Rotary experience (and all the b***@@t) that sometimes deters folk from joining arguably the world’s greatest volunteer organisation. As a club we’ve supported the regionalisation project and have elected for a community grouping of geographically close clubs. Our delivery of service continues unabated and if our Chairs have heeded my requests, these are reported elsewhere in this bulletin.
So where to now? Some quick points:
- I’ll be issuing the notices for the election of our 2024 – 2025 President, President Elect, Secretary and Treasurer. So please consider taking on one of these roles to support our current PE PDG Marilyn Barton.
- Slowly but surely, our club technology use is improving. That’s an efficiency dividend for office bearers and club which will improve member experiences. Keep 20 Nov 23 free for another social IT session presented by Janice Pounder and James Morris. Board members are being put on to a free Microsoft Sharepoint software service that will see all our records being in once place. That will be followed by members during 2024 – well that’s the plan.
- The Club Xmas Do is 4 Dec 23 – please try to attend. We’ve kept the cost low. And besides, our collegiality is thoroughly enjoyable.
So I think that’s enough Draber’s Drivel. All of you stay safe, look out for each other.
I’m appreciative of your support.