Ian and I spent a wonderful New Years Eve at the Perth Rotary Gala Concert held at UWA.
The evening was well organised and Mark Couhghlan conducted a variety of performances by the Vienna Pops Orchestra. Also included were Opera singers Jessica Blunt, Caitlin Cassidy and a 14 year violinist Ellie Malonzo who has already been accept into UWA School of Music.
Blackball Reach Watering Program
It's that time again! Watering! When those saplings/seedlings that were lovingly planted in Blackwall Reach need some more lifegiving water to enable them to live through to their first winter. So please come along at 6.30 am on Saturday (it's nice and cool then!) and enjoy the peace and serenity of the beautiful Australian bush while giving nature a helping hand. (A map is attached showing where we meet up)
My appologies for the late newsletter but we have been painting and the PC has been in pieces on the floor.
Please scroll down to the bottom of the page of the Newsletter and there you will find what committees you are in and when you are rostered on for Sunday Markets.
Monday 24th February Ian and I will be hosting a evening to celebrate Paul Harris's birthday at our house in Hilton. It will commence at 6pm. More information closer to the date.