New Generations
New Generations
Youth are the next generation
of leaders and Rotarians
Leeuwin Sail Training
The sail training programme has a great reputation for building self esteem and confidence for participants. This year the Rotary Club of Melville sponsored the voyages of two students recommended by John Curtin Senior College. They undertook a week long sail from Fremantle to Albany and later shared their experiences with their school and the Rotary club. The Rotary Club of Melville has sponsored numerous students and has supported the Leeuwin Foundation for many years.
Rotary Youth Programme of Enrichment
RYREN is for young people aged 14 to 17 and consists of a weekend camp. The programme is aimed at creating awareness of the teens place and responsibilities in society and offers the practical skills needed to exist in society. We have two possible candidates for the RYPEN camp in late May. The Club tries to support this programme on an annual basis
National Youth Science Forum
NSYF is a two week programme for students moving into year 12 who are thinking about a career in science, engineering and technology. The forum is a live in event that takes place in January at Australian National University in Canberra. We have one application that is being considered by the programme selectors. The most important outcome is a network of contacts throughout Australia that will be of value to participants throughout their careers.
Quiet Lions Tour
This is a memorial and educational tour to the experience the Burma - Thai railway built by the prisoners of World War 2. It is arranged by the Burma Thailand Railway Memorial Association. The students form part of a larger contingent and attend the ANZAC service at Hellfire Pass. They experience the prisoner work camps and the tribulations that they endured. They also experience the local culture and current friendships between countries. The Rotary Club of Melville is a regular sponsor of local students on this tour.
Two cadet students selected from Melville Senior High School were sponsored for this years tour. On return they address their school and the Rotary club on their experiences.
Rotary WA Driver Education
The Rotary driver education programme is allied with similar programmes run throughout WA for year 10 or 11 students. The course is undertaken annually by our Club is with Melville Senior High School. Between 150 and 200 students participate in a one day interactive programme. They are exposed to the mechanic and dynamic principles of motor vehicle operation and the potential risks and skills needed to be a safe driver. The next course will be on Tuesday 10 December 2019 at Claremont Show Grounds. Rotarians act as ushers and guides through out the day.
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